On august 17-21 I was in Tranas, Sweden, to create a 3×7 meters 3D artwork. The anamorphose was really difficult to get both for the distortion and for the strong rain. At final it seems that I got it! My sketch was related to music anad water and so I thought to mernaids and their voice (in this case their music), something that capture humans and make them lost. The design was also a bit autobiographic. I felt like the red fish that seems to be missed outside the small bowl in wich he swimmed before. I was invited to performe by Tranas Kommun. They were very helpful and they made all needed to let me finish my painting. I took 3 full days to complete the anamorphose and it was really a hard work. For my travel I stopped before in Gotheborg amd at final in Stockholm. This last city was really magic to find new suggestions for my art and heart.