First weekend of july once again in Denmark, a country that I love so much! I obviusly went to say hello to my giant Alice in wonderland mural 🙂 and later I created my 3D piece at the International Street Art Festival. As always some rain therefore this time my artwork was quite finished. Hospitality and people were as always in Brande amazing. There I have such a family: Henrick, Ole, Mogens, Dina, Evald and the others. And surely a part of my street art family was there.

My anamorphic piece on pavement was 3×6,5 meters big. The title is Blowing Imagination. A crouched down child is blowind some (a few) soap bubbles while a big robotic mosquito is looking to the viewer and trying to understand what a soap bubble is. A intrigued curious robot insect and a poor child. Both surprised about bubbles.

However, does the mosquito exist? Is it real? It seems real cause I’m riding it in the picture. The idea is that the child is evoking the robot. Power of fantasy. Why is it so dark? How scary could be? But deep down, Isn’t life more frightening than Imagination? Sadly yes, in my opinion.