“An Cailleach” is my last mural, created in August in Drogheda, Ireland, last addiction to the DRAWDA Urban Art Trail. The project is a collaborative effort by Droichead Arts Centre, Love Drogheda BIDS, and Louth County Council.

The Cailleach is the divine sorceress and mother goddess associated with winter, the creation of the landscape and ancient monuments. She is linked to Loughcrew Cairns (she created them by jumping from hilltop to hilltop dropping stones from her apron) and Monasterboice Tower. I’ll tell you more next months! Now I am travelling again : )

Thank you to Trevor Connolly and Collette Farrell from @droichead.arts.centre , @lovedrogheda @mythicalireland @deewalshartist as curator @seamusw13 for priming the wall, @yghhair, @murtaghsofdrogheda @jennycallanan

Special thanks to Daria for and her family for the helpfulness and friendship

The pictures of the wall are from Andrea Zampatti

#DRAWDA @streetartcities @artcouncilireland #streetart #streetartist #boynevalley #drogheda #mythicalireland #irishmythology #verabugatti #droicheadartscentre #lovedrogheda #urbanarttrail #Louth #irishart #louthcountycouncil